Associate Software Engineer - Fresh Graduate

  • P-311 Block B Amin Town Kashmir Road
  • Full-time

Company Description

Silicon Solutions integrates global leaders in web development with passionate Asian talent to get a unique blend of Quality and Affordability. We are headquartered in California and work consistent eastern and pacific standard hours. We like ad hoc pairing as necessary, TDD, and working with other agencies to make things happen. We contribute to open source projects and genuinely enjoy coding. We are also committed to teaching, and spreading knowledge!

Job Description


Job Description

Silicon Solutions is hiring individuals who are excited and enthusiastic about their work, as well as competent and professional. Let us have challenging work and responsibilities which encourage personal and professional growth. We reward exceptional work with good bonuses and salaries. If you feel you exemplify the above qualities, please apply. You should have:

  1. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from a reputed university.
  2. Excellent programming and analytical abilities.
  3. Ability to quickly learn new languages and technologies.
  4. Good knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and web standards.
  5. Self-driven, excellent communication skills, strong desire to excel and the ability to work independently.
  6. Knowledge of web development with open source technologies (Apache, MySQL, PHP, Ruby on Rails) will be a plus.




BS Computer Sciences / Information Technology / Software Engineering